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 My Poem

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Femmina Numero di messaggi : 889
Età : 39
Località : Messina
Data d'iscrizione : 31.10.09

My Poem Empty
MessaggioTitolo: My Poem   My Poem Icon_minitime1Gio 09 Feb 2012, 18:55

Valentina's Creations available at:
My Poem GP_designer_blinkieMy Poem Blinkie2My Poem 08c22541My Poem MM-150x50-SeeMyDesigns-Pink

I'm back: this month has started tragically, with my granny's death. We loved her so much, and this losing touched us painfully. But I'm sure she's in a better place now, guiding us from above.
I like believing she's an angel now, my angel. That's why I wanna dedicate to her my new collection. It's called "My Poem" and talks about love, again.
Hope you will like....

My Poem VC_MyPoem

My Poem VC_MyPoem_2

My Poem VC_MyPoem_zoom

Here some CT Pages:

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO1

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO2

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO3

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO4

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO5

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO7

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO6

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO8

My Poem VC_MyPoem_LO9

And here the extra packs:

My Poem XctmpiiCFr5My Poem XctmpkaCxGk
My Poem XctmpUFeVKbMy Poem XctmpCkLytM

Thank you so much!
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