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 how this forum born and working

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Femmina Numero di messaggi : 6536
Età : 55
Località : Aprilia (LT)
Data d'iscrizione : 24.02.09

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MessaggioTitolo: how this forum born and working   how this forum born and working Icon_minitime1Lun 18 Mag 2009, 15:05

Hi! how this forum born and working 230638
first of all I introduce myself to you: my name is Monica, I'm 39 and I live near Rome.
I discovered digital scrapbooking last summer, and it was LOVE. I didn't use photoshop very well so I started to read tutorial for learning and also I started to discover the fantastic world of scrapbooking's blog with free kit.
So....this is the beginning of my scrap-story....I searched a lot for other italian people sharing this fantastic hobby... but here in Italy most of all people are doing manual scrapbooking and there aren't forum or sites about digital scrapbooking.
I'm logged on a few american forums as monica_italy but is hard for me with English language...
So, on last February, I decided to open this forum to search other people loving digi-scrap like me and for teaching to them how to scrap if they aren't accustomed to.

Almost all users of this forum can't speak english so they have difficult in finding free material and understanding english tutorials...

In this forum we:
- help users to find free material giving links to blogs with freebies;
- help them to use Photoshop with some tutorial

For our entertaiment we use to play together doing some "challenges" and when each challenge is closed all users may vote their preferred LO: winner really don't win anything, except the satisfaction to have won!
For promote all users to join challenges, or newbies that are not so good in scrapping, we give some points to each user joining a challenge (raccolta punti = earn points).
When a user reaches 15 points and multiples (30,45, ect.) he receives a "gift" that normally is a link to a site with special free mega kits.
Recently a designer (Rachel of gave us a kit to use for the 15 points level (Rachel, thanks again! Very Happy ).

The first and most important reason of this forum to exist is promoting the digital scrapbooking in Italy and all help to do it from any contributor is good for us!

This is a closed forum, you can enter only by registering, this is because some users don't like publishing their private photos freely on the web. If you want to access all forum sections, you need to register.

If you want to join us you are welcome!!!

PS If I made mistakes, sorry for my english Embarassed

Ultima modifica di monica il Mar 23 Ago 2011, 11:06 - modificato 2 volte.
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: how this forum born and working   how this forum born and working Icon_minitime1Lun 28 Set 2009, 15:20

Ciao Monica!
Se hai bisogno di aiuto per questa sezione puoi contare su di me! Parlo inglese correntemente.
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